Service gives security

You can have peace of mind with our customer-focused service agreement. We offer services in the full range of technical areas, but you only choose the areas you need. If you operate throughout the country, we also offer a national service agreement.

An installation needs service and maintenance to work, day in and day out. Our commitment therefore always extends beyond the completion of the project. Our customers are offered a complete range of services. Depending on your needs, we can make separate service agreements or combine them into a suitable package. 

Our service gives peace of mind

Regular service allows you to reduce energy costs and avoid time consuming interruptions and expensive repairs to your property facility or industry. We also make sure that you comply with all laws and regulations. We help you with continuous maintenance, emergencies and modifications. This applies both to installations performed by us and installations provided by other suppliers.

You can trust us to have all the necessary specialist knowledge in all our areas of technical work. Our service technicians have long experience, broad expertise and the necessary certificates. We have good availability and are easy to contact. 

Smart energy solutions

Energy optimisation is an important part of our service package as it affects both your environmental impact and your operating finances. We can recommend smart energy solutions for your home, property or business. The extent of these measures depends on the object in question. We are always on hand to offer an energy analysis, followed by proposed measures. After completing the work, we conduct a follow-up to ensure that we have reached the goals we set.